- Velichkin Georgy Viktorovich
Many citizens of the Russian Federation are not yet familiar with the concept of «inheritance contract» and are wary of its pitfalls, which will be studied below. The article
provides a detailed analysis of the characteristic features of an inheritance contract and its special conditions identified by the legislator, as well as in the course of practical application. In the process of analysis, the key parties to the contract are identified, significant elements are identified from the point of view of positive and negative factors affecting the application of this contract in civil circulation by subjects of developing relations. A search and verification of problems that participants in civil circulation may encounter is carried out. The need for legislative changes to approaches to regulating an inheritance contract is substantiated in order to popularize it among members of both a separate organization and citizens of society as a whole.
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Velichkin, G. V. (2024). INHERITANCE AGREEMENT AS A WAY OF INHERITING CORPORATE RIGHTS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 99.
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