Legal Sciences

“The Academic Journal of Moscow City University”, series “Legal Sciences” is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the topical issues of legal science and featuring the theoretical and historical perspectives of development and functioning of the state and law, as well as human rights issues. Considerable attention is paid to the issues of legal regulations in teaching and learning activities.

The following types of research are accepted for publication: manuscripts featuring the main research findings, as well as scientific reviews, reviews of monographs, reference, academic and methodological literature.

Dmitriy Alekseevich
Professor of the Department of Law of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law

The peer-reviewed journal is included in the List of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journals of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, where it is recommended to publish the main scientific findings obtained within doctoral and postdoctoral theses.

Scientific specialties and their corresponding fields of science according to the List of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journals of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC):

Legal Sciences:

12.00.08 – Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal Executive Law (Legal Sciences)

12.00.01 – Theory and History of Law and State; History of Law and State Studies (Legal Sciences)

12.00.02 – Constitutional Law; Constitutional Judicial Process; Municipal Law (Legal Sciences)

12.00.03 – Civil Law; Business Law; Family law; Private International Law (Legal Sciences)

The journal is included in the SCIENCE INDEX on the subject “State and Law. Legal Sciences” of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)

ISSN 2076-9113

The journal is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (certificate of registration PI No FS77-82093 dated October 17, 2021).  

Сertificate of registration PI No FS 77-82091 dated 12.10.2021

The journal is issued 4 times a year.

The page limit is 230 pages.

The subscription index of the peer-reviewed journal according to the United catalog “Russian Press” is Э80279.

Official website:

E-mail of the Publishing Office:

Telephone of the Publishing Office: +7 (495) 959-55-51 (ext. 105)

Address of the Publishing Office: 16 Novokuznetskaya st, bld. 10 Moscow, 119017