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Instructions for authors



1. The members of the Editorial Board require the authors to comply with the technical instructions to the manuscript’s formatting when preparing manuscripts for publication in “The Academic Journal of Moscow City University”, Series “Legal Sciences”:

  • The font: Times New Roman (14 pt);
  • The spacing: 1,5 cm;
  • The margins: upper, lower and left 20 mm, right 10 mm.
  • In case Roman and Greek alphabets are used, the designations are typed in italic font for Roman letters and in ordinary font for Greek letters.
  • Figures must be created in graphic editors. Graphs, diagrams and tables cannot be scanned.

2. Manuscripts must include the following sections:

  • introduction (the research issue, the objective of the research, the task of the research, the relevance of the research issue, the research novelty and significance);
  • analysis of the methods used in the research and the research background;
  • the research part must include evidence and scientific arguments;
  • the research findings;
  • references

3. Please indicate all sources of research funding including direct and indirect financial support to the manuscripts.

4. The character limit of the manuscript is 20 000 – 40 000 characters with spaces, including figures, footnotes and the list of references.

5. Please indicate the following information at the beginning of the manuscript:

  • Full name of the authors (semi-bold, left alignment);
  • the title of the manuscript (semi-bold, center alignment)
  • abstract to the manuscript (the word limit is 100 words);
  • keywords (the word limit is 5-7 words (phrases), separated from each other by semicolons).

6. Please provide the manuscript with a list of references, compiled in alphabetical order in both Russian and English and formatted according to the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic record”.

Example (in Russian)

Иванов А. A. Психология. 2-е изд. СПб.: Наука, 2001. 530 с.

Набоков В. Собр. соч.: в 4 т. / отв. ред. и сост. В. В. Ерофеев. М.: Правда, 1990. Т. 1. 414 с.

Викулова Л. Г., Троепольская Ю. Б. Туристический каталог в публичном медийном пространстве // Человек в информационном пространстве: сб. науч. тр. Ярославль: ЯГПУ, 2016. С. 80–87.

Плотникова С. Н. Дискурсивные технологии и их роль в конструировании социального мира // Вестник Московского государственного лингвистического университета. 2015. № 3 (714). С. 72–83.

Курбанова М. Г. Эргонимы современного русского языка: семантика и прагматика: автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук: 10.02.01. Волгоград, 2015. 23 с.

7. Please indicate references to the literature from the list of references in the text in square brackets, for example: [3: p. 57] or [6: vol. 1, book 2, p. 89].
Please indicate references to Internet resources, archival documents and regulatory sources in the text in parentheses, or as footnotes according to the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic record”.

Example (in Russian):

Члиянц Г. Создание телевидения [Электронный ресурс] // QRZ.RU: сервер радиолюбителей России. 2004. URL: http://www.qrz.ru/articles/article260.html (дата обращения: 21.02.2006).

8. You can use a footnote to express your viewpoints and comments on a text fragment. The formatting of footnotes and notes in the manuscript must be consistent, the numbering must be consecutive.

9. At the end of the manuscript (after the list of references), please indicate the information about the author, the title of the manuscript, the abstract and the keywords in English.

10. In case the manuscript is written in a foreign (English) language, please follow the standards of British English.

11. Please submit the manuscript to the journal’s Publishing Office in electronic format 9n (doc, docx)  by e-mail: instituty@bk.ru

 12. Please provide the information about the author(s) as a separate file including the following: full name of the author(s), academic degree, academic title, affiliation, email address in both Russian and English.

13. The period of the first round of peer-review is 14 days. The reviewers review the manuscript for its compliance with the subject of the journal and requirements to the technical formatting.

14. In case the authors don’t comply with any of the listed requirements, they are obliged to revise the manuscript within the time limit set for its revision. In case the authors do not consent to the decision made, the Editorial Board does not pursue further communication with them.

The peer-reviewed journal publishes only original manuscripts which correspond to the principles of ethical policy.

15. The manuscripts submitted to “The Academic Journal of Moscow City University”, Series “Legal Sciences” undergo a double-blind peer review procedure and an approval procedure by the Editorial Board and the Editorial Council of the Institute of Law and Management.

16. When authors submit their manuscripts to the journal, they accept the requirements and consent to have the full version of the manuscript published on the official website of the scientific electronic library eLibrary.RU, as well as on the journal’s website in free access, supplied by the submitted personal data.

17. The publishing services are provided free of charge. The Editorial Board does not charge the authors for the preparation, publication or printing of the manuscripts.

Requirements to the abstract:

  • The word limit of the abstract is 100-200 words.
  • Please indicate in the “Abstract” section the holistic view of the manuscript, its methodological foundations and theoretical significance.

The structure of the abstract:

  • the research purpose;
  • the methods/methodological foundations;
  • the research findings;
  • the theoretical significance.

Requirements to the keywords: the word limit is 5-7 words (phrases) in the singular and nominative case, separated by semicolons.

Example of formatting (in Russian):

И. О. Фамилия


Целью проведенного исследования стало выявление общих закономерностей построения оптимальной модели взаимодействия человека и государства. В процессе исследования использованы методологические подходы постклассической юриспруденции: антропоцентризм и конструктивизм. Государство рассматривается как определенный социальный конструкт, постоянно воспроизводимый действиями людей в соответствии с имеющимися у них ментальными установками и представлениями. По результатам исследования автор высказывает суждение о необходимости выстраивания гармоничной модели взаимоотношений публичной власти и человека, основанной на понимании роли каждого субъекта в повседневном конструировании государства и его институтов. Такая модель характеризуется наличием эффективных механизмов активной реализации прав и свобод личности. Значимость исследования состоит в выработке базовых подходов к пониманию антропологии государства в контексте выявления ключевой роли субъекта в воспроизводстве государственных институтов как определенного социального конструкта.

Ключевые слова: государство; Левиафан; публичная власть; социальный конструкт; общество; антропология; антропоцентризм.