1.All manuscripts submitted to “The Academic Journal of Moscow City University”, series “Legal Sciences” undergo a mandatory independent (internal and external) peer-review procedure. The peer-review procedure is based on the Regulations on Peer-Reviewing approved by the Editorial Council of the Institute of Law and Management of Moscow City University.

2. In case the manuscripts successfully pass the first round of peer-review with regard to the compliance with the formatting requirements and the accepted level of borrowed text, the manuscripts are forwarded to the reviewers.

3.The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Council of the Institute of Law and Management (Moscow City University) chooses the reviewers from the members of the Editorial Board (for the internal peer-review procedure) and the leading Russian scientists who are competent in the relevant fields of science (for the external peer-review procedure).

4. The peer-review procedure is anonymous for both the reviewer and the author.

5. The review period is 2-4 weeks.

5. The reviewers must provide a qualified analysis of the manuscripts and objectively assess them (paying attention to the research relevance, scientific novelty, and practical significance).

6. The reviewers make a recommendation (positive or negative) regarding the acceptance of the manuscripts. In case of a positive review, the manuscripts will be published in the order of general priority.

7. After the Editorial Board receives the reviews, the manuscripts with the attached reviews are sent to the Editorial Council of the Institute of Law and Management (Moscow City University). According to the results of a collective discussion, the manuscript may be rejected, sent to the author for revision or recommended for publication.

8. In case of a positive decision, the manuscript is accepted for publication according to the established order. The Editorial Board informs the author about the decision made.

9. In case the manuscripts are not accepted for publishing, the authors will be sent reasoned refusals within 10 days after the receipt of the negative review(s) or relevant decisions by the Editorial Council of the Institute of Law and Management (Moscow City University). The Editorial Board do not pursue further communication with the authors of rejected manuscripts.

10. In case the reviews include recommendations for revision of the manuscripts, the authors must revise them and submit them for peer-review again by the deadlines specified by the members of the Editorial Board. After the revision of the manuscript, the Editorial Board may decide on an additional round of peer-review.

11. The final decision on publication of a manuscript and the issue’s content is made at the meeting of the Editorial Board.

12. The peer-review of the manuscripts is free of charge.