- Gusarova Marina Aleksandrovna Doctor of Philosophy
The article attempts to reconstruct the philosophical and legal views of Catherine II. Analysis of memoirs, personal correspondence and official documents that have survived to this day allows the author to systematize the empress’s ideas about the essence of law and punishment, the role of the legislator, and to identify the legalistic foundations of Catherine II ideas about law, reflecting the value dominants of the Enlightenment. In Catherine’s philosophical and legal views, the author reveals a number of problems that are still relevant today, including the social significance of the law, the humanistic and rationalistic components of the legal sphere, the formation of legal consciousness as the key to effective legislation and legal education as the basis of legal behavior. The conclusion is drawn about the progressiveness of the empress’s ideas, which formed the basis for further reform activities in Russia.
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Gusarova, M. A. (2024). PHILOSOPHICAL AND LEGAL VIEWS OF CATHERINE II AS AN IMAGE OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN RUSSIA Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 15.
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