- Levushkin Anatoly Nikolaevich Doctor of Law, Professor
The purpose of the study is to determine the essence and legal nature of a license agreement in the film industry, to identify the main trends in the application of this
contractual structure in civil circulation, to identify the main problems, to formulate proposals aimed at implementing effective legal and contractual regulation of relations in the film industry in the Russian Federation. The methodological basis of this work was general scientific methods of understanding legal phenomena, such as synthesis, the method of analogy, formal logic, and others, as well as private scientific methods for studying the legal nature of a license agreement in the film industry and the problems of legitimizing these relations in modern Russia. It has been established that legal relations in the film industry are a social and legal phenomenon that arises at the intersection of private and public interests, which requires certainty and legitimation. The license agreement acts as an effective means of legal and contractual regulation of relations in the film industry.
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Levushkin, A. N. (2023). LICENSING AGREEMENT IN THE FILM INDUSTRY: PROBLEMS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №1 (49), 71.
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