Home Releases 2022, №4 (48)

The Problem of Gaps and Continuity in the Development of Russian Law (on the Example of Deportation to Siberia)

State and Law: Theoretical and Historical Aspects , UDC: 34.047 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2022.48.4.02


  • Dorskaya Aleksandra Andreyevna Doctor of Law, Professor
  • Dorskiy Andrey Yuryevich Doctor in Philosophy, Professor


The article analyzes the development of such type of punishment as deportation to Siberia, showing that despite the visible gaps in the history of Russian law caused by radical changes in the form of the state, continuity can be maintained even in relation to those institutions of law that, at first glance, should be destroyed. This topic became the subject of study back in the 19th century, but at the present stage it has been updated due to a new stage of “experiencing history”, when the self-identification of states and peoples that were part of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union is based on existing experience or is built on its denial. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively characterize the exile to a settlement in Siberia as a punishment that arose in the 18th century and went through a significant transformation, including both breaks in the established tradition and continuity that arises in the most unexpected way. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are set in the article such as to characterize the main stages in the evolution of exile to a settlement in Siberia as a type of criminal punishment, to identify the goals of criminal policy in relation to the development of this punishment, to show the place of exile to a settlement in Siberia in the system of criminal penalties of the Russian Empire, to identify the continuity of pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern approaches in relation to the deportation to a settlement in its various forms. As a result of the work, using the example of deportation to a settlement in Siberia as a criminal punishment of the Russian Empire, the need to use the experience of different eras in assessing modern reform projects is shown.

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Dorskaya, A. A. & Dorskiy, A. Y. (2022). The Problem of Gaps and Continuity in the Development of Russian Law (on the Example of Deportation to Siberia) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №4 (48), 22. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2022.48.4.02
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