Home Releases 2018, №4 (32)

The Militarization of the International Environment after the Ukrainian Crisis and its Consequences for Foreign Policy of Russia

Public Law , UDC: 341.38 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2018.32.4.08


  • Lavitskaya Marina Ivanovna Grand PhD in History, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory of Law and Comparative Law, Russian State University for the Humanities. E-mail: marinalv2010@yandex.ru
  • Kulakova Tatyana Alexandrovna Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sociology and Information Technology, Central Russian Institute of Management, Branch of the RANEPA. E-mail: kulakova057@gmail.com

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Lavitskaya, M. I. & Kulakova, T. A. (2018). The Militarization of the International Environment after the Ukrainian Crisis and its Consequences for Foreign Policy of Russia Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №4 (32), 81-93. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2018.32.4.08
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