Home Releases 2022, №2 (46)


State and Law: Theoretical and Historical Aspects , UDC: 340.114.5 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2022.46.2.03


  • Popova Natalya Nikolaevna


The article is devoted to the study of changes taking place in the sphere of legal consciousness in the conditions of the formation of digital society. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the dynamics of legal consciousness under the influence of digital technologies. Modern scientific methodology was used, both special legal and interdisciplinary. It is substantiated that digitalization affects the mentality of participants in public relations, that is, it affects legal psychology as an integral element of legal consciousness. The impact of digital society on the transformation of the value bases of legal consciousness is emphasized. It is concluded that with the formation of digital society, further fragmentation of society occurs, which entails the fragmentation of legal consciousness, its segmentation, which creates new risks for legal behavior. The main directions for further scientific research of legal consciousness and its development in the context of digitalization are outlined.

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Popova, N. N. (2020). LEGAL AWARENESS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE FORMATION OF DIGITAL SOCIETY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (46), 34. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2022.46.2.03
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