Home Releases 2023, №4 (52)


Human Rights , UDC: 342.7 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2023.52.4.09


  • Buryanov Sergey Anatolyevich Candidate of Sciences in Law, Associate Professor
  • Krivenkiy Aleksandr Ivanovich Doctor of Law, Professor


The article is devoted to theoretical and methodological problems of protecting the rights of children of foreign citizens in Russia. The strengthening of the relevance of the implementation of human rights, including the rights of children, in the context of the complication and globalization of social relations was noted. Key and related definitions of concepts are investigated. The terms “children”, “child”, “minor” mean the same category of a born and maturing person. In everyday life and legislation, these concepts are not differentiated, but the presence of theoretical and practical issues related to these concepts cannot but affect the definition of the rights, freedoms and obligations of the object under study. It is also obvious that when determining the rights, freedoms and obligations of a minor, the legal basis is his citizenship or the status of a stateless person. In the methodological aspect, the procedure for the realization of the rights, freedoms and obligations of a minor is carried out, mainly, not by him, but through his parents or other legal representatives, which may be adoptive parents, guardians, trustees. The issues of legal regulation and some law enforcement problems of protecting the rights of children of foreign citizens are considered. The problem of the correlation between the implementation and protection of the rights of the child is raised. As a result of the study, the author’s definition of the concept of the right of children of foreign citizens is proposed, and the prospects for their implementation are determined. It is concluded that the fullest possible realization of children’s rights, including the rights of children of foreign citizens, is the basis for a sustainable future of human civilization, the world community and individual states, including Russia.

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Buryanov, S. A. & Krivenkiy, A. I. (2023). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN OF FOREIGN CITIZENS IN RUSSIA Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №4 (52), 100. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2023.52.4.09
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