- Zvonarev Andrey Vladimirovich Candidate of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Based on archival materials, the article shows the activities of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party(b), held on June 26–27, 1923, to edit and adopt the draft of the first Constitution of the USSR. The role of I. V. Stalin in the formation of a number of important provisions of the Basic Law is revealed. The process
of making specific changes to the text of the constitutional draft is shown. It is concluded that the adoption of the Basic Law (Constitution) of the USSR of 1924 largely depended on the political authority and influence of I. V. Stalin during the discussion of projects in the highest party and state bodies.
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Zvonarev, A. V. (2023). THE JUNE PLENUM OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE RUSSIAN COMMUNIST PARTY(B) IN 1923 AND ITS ROLE IN THE CREATION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE USSR IN 1924 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №4 (52), 55.
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