Home Releases 2022, №4 (48)

Formation of Professional Identity of Students in the Specialty “Jurisprudence” in Educational Institutions of Higher Education

Educational Law , UDC: 343.83+159.9.07 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2022.48.4.09


  • Fedorova Ekaterina Mikhailovna
  • Gavrilova Yuliya Vyacheslavovna


The purpose of this work is to consider the features of the professional identity formation in the process of students’ adaptation to the educational environment in the system of organizations of higher education of a legal profile. Methods. In the process of research, a multimodal approach was used, including both traditional theoretical, empirical and interpretive and descriptive methods and methods of scientific research (observation, questioning, testing, methods of mathematical statistics, etc.), and modern educational methods and interactive forms of learning (business games, trainings, quests, etc.). The study was conducted in educational institutions of higher legal education, including the Russian State University of Justice, departmental educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia over some years. Results. Training for the formation of professional identity was developed and successfully introduced into the educational process of a number of educational organizations of a legal profile, as well as other interactive forms of education that contribute to the effective adaptation of students to the educational environment of the university. Conclusion. Carrying out targeted activities to form a professional identity in an educational organization of higher education in a legal profile, including modern educational methods and interactive forms of learning (business games, trainings, quests, etc.), will allow students to adapt more successfully not only to the educational environment of the university, which is especially important in the first year of study, but also to professional activities, to the professional community as a whole in future.

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Fedorova, E. M. & Gavrilova, Y. V. (2022). Formation of Professional Identity of Students in the Specialty “Jurisprudence” in Educational Institutions of Higher Education Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №4 (48), 108. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2022.48.4.09
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