- Kononov Vitaliy Sergeevich
The article discusses the theoretical aspects of property relations in connection with the legal personality of a person and other legal means of ensuring public interests, analyzes approaches to the concept of legal interest and the nature of public interest, and examines the features of legal means of ensuring public interests in different jurisdictions. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction are used. Among special legal methods, priority was given to formal legal, comparative and system-structural methods. The public law of a number of foreign states is compared in the context of securing public interest. It is concluded that the legal means of ensuring public interest form a developing system, which includes the legal personality and competence of public authorities, legal norms that define public property, legal relations and other means.
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Kononov, V. S. (2020). LEGAL MEANS TO ENSURE PUBLIC INTERESTS IN PROPERTY RELATIONS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (46), 70.
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