- Boychenko Lyudmila Vasilievna Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
- Pashentseva Svetlana Vasilievna Candidate of Historical Sciences
The article analyzes the content of the speeches made at the plenary and sectional sessions of the III All-Russian Forum of Legal Historians «Traditional Values, Family and Society in Focus of Historical and Legal Science». The main ideas concerning the understanding of traditional values in Russian historical and legal science are voiced. The role
of traditional values in the development of modern society is emphasized. The controversial nature of issues related to the importance of the family in society, the role of law in strengthening the family and solving the demographic problem is noted. Attention is drawn to the axiological content of historical and legal knowledge, as well as to the role of historical and legal science in protecting traditional values and preserving historical memory.
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Boychenko, L. V. & Pashentseva, S. V. (2024). REVIEW OF THE III ALL-RUSSIAN FORUM OF LEGAL HISTORIANS «TRADITIONAL VALUES, FAMILY AND SOCIETY IN THE FOCUS OF HISTORICAL AND LEGAL SCIENCE» Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 129.
1. Istoriko-pravovaya nauka v usloviyax sovremenny`x social`ny`x transformaciĭ: sbornik nauchny`x stateĭ po itogam Vserossiĭskogo foruma istorikov prava (Sankt-Peterburg, 10–11 iyunya 2022 g.) / pod red. A. A. Dorskoĭ i D. A. Pashenceva. Saratov: Saratovskiĭ istochnik, 2022. 393 s.
2. Mixajlova N. V. Obzor Vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferencii «Istoricheskoe i istoriko-pravovoe znanie kak osnova konstruirovaniya novoj social`no-politicheskoj real`nosti» // Vestnik MGPU. Seriya «Yuridicheskie nauki». 2024. № 1 (53). S. 110–116.
3. Filosofiya prava v usloviyax global`ny`x social`ny`x transformaciĭ: sbornik nauchny` x stateĭ po itogam Vserossiĭskogo foruma istorikov prava (Sankt-Peterburg, 11 iyunya 2022 g.) / pod red. D. A. Pashenceva i A. A. Dorskoĭ. Saratov: Saratovskiĭ istochnik, 2022. 171 s.