- Tkachev Artem Vadimovich
The article is devoted to the problems of the current procedure for obtaining compensation for harm by persons who, in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code of Russia, have the right to rehabilitation recognized. The author points out the excessive duration and complexity of the current procedure. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals to improve the procedure for rehabilitated persons to receive compensation for property damage and compensation for moral damage, in particular, options for introducing an out-ofcourt procedure for receiving payments. In the research part of the article, an attempt is made to formulate criteria that make it possible to resolve the issue of attributing a particular case specifically to the competence of courts, and not executive authorities. In addition, the article describes in detail the content of the out-of-court procedure for obtaining compensation for rehabilitated persons based on the model of public services. The author comes to the conclusion that today it is possible to introduce an out-of-court procedure for compensation of property damage to rehabilitated persons, as well as an out-of-court procedure for compensation of moral harm, provided that a presumed amount of compensation for moral harm for rehabilitated persons is introduced. The implementation of the proposals outlined in the article has important theoretical and practical significance, since it will significantly simplify the procedure for receiving payments, reduce the burden on the courts, and also allow rehabilitated persons to receive payments in a short time, which in turn will contribute to increasing the authority of the state and raising the level of legal awareness.
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Tkachev, A. V. (2024). ON THE PROSPECTS OF INTRODUCING AN EXTRA-JUDICIAL PROCEDURE FOR THE POSSIBILITY OF HARM TO REHABILITATED PERSONS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 115.
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