- Nikitina Elena Evgenievna Candidate of Law
- Pomazanskiy Andrey Evgenievich Candidate of Law
The article examines the genesis of national cultural rights in Russia. It is concluded that this group of rights by its legal nature is a manifestation of individual freedom in the national cultural sphere, has a mixed nature, due to the convergence of human cultural rights and the right of nations to self-determination. Particular attention is
paid to the Soviet period of development of national cultural rights, during which legal approaches to the understanding, content and regulation of the group of rights in question were developed. Certain areas in the development of the mechanism for the protection of national cultural rights are highlighted: modernization of the regulation of national cultural autonomies and national cultural associations, the impact of digitalization on the implementation and protection of this group of rights. The authors believe that using the full potential of the mechanism for the protection of national cultural rights, including its regional components, will significantly increase the legal guarantees for the implementation of human rights and freedoms.
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Nikitina, E. E. & Pomazanskiy, A. E. (2024). PROTECTION OF NATIONAL CULTURAL RIGHTS: DIRECTION AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 48.
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