- Kurakina Julia Vladimirovna Candidate of Law
The purpose of the study was to identify the features inherent in the child’s right to play and to formulate a definition of the concept “child’s right to play”. The dialectical
method of cognition underlies the study. General scientific and special scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, as well as the formal legal method made it
possible to formulate a definition of the concepts of “play” and “the child’s right to play”. An interdisciplinary approach to the problem under study reveals the depth and diversity of the analyzed concepts. The article defines the concepts of “play” and “the child’s right to play”. The approaches to the game phenomenon are differentiated from the point of view of legal theory and pedagogical science. Criteria are named that make it possible to characterize the concept of “the child’s right to play”, the characteristics of play, the place of the right to play in the system of human rights, the relationship of the child’s right to play with the period of existence of the child’s need to play.
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Kurakina, J. V. (2024). THEORETICAL AND LEGAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A CHILD’S RIGHT TO PLAY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (54), 60.
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