Home Releases 2023, №2 (50)


State and Law: Theoretical and Historical Aspects , UDC: 340:32 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2023.50.2.06


  • Chestnov Ilya Lvovich Doctor of Law, Professor


The author of the article shows the prospects of political jurisprudence. It originated in the United States as a movement of legal realism. Then the political jurisprudence in the USA is developed by the school of critical legal studies. However, today, according to the author, another direction is most promising. It is associated with the postclassical picture of the world and arises at the end of the 20th century. French thinkers M. Foucault and P. Bourdieu played the most important role in the development of political postclassical jurisprudence. Legal policy, according to the author, in a broad sense can be interpreted as state (or social) management in the field of law. Its content forms the definition of the need for legislative regulation of certain social relations, the formation of an appropriate form of law (legislative act) and its implementation in the legal order, as well as feedback such as monitoring the rule of law and clarifying the need to change legislation.

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Chestnov, I. L. (2023). POLITICAL JURISPRUDENCE AS AN INTERDISCIPLINARY TREND IN POSTCLASSICAL LEGAL SCIENCE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №2 (50), 80. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2023.50.2.06
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