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Problems of the Formation of Soviet Law: Features of Sources

State and Law: Theoretical and Historical Aspects , UDC: 34 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2022.48.4.05


  • Minnickes Irina Viktorovna Doctor of Legal Sciences


The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of the system of sources of law during the formation of the new, Soviet state in 1917–1922. The emphasis in the study is put on two major issues such as the destruction of the system of sources of law developed before the revolution and the change in the direct sources of law. It is noted that in the first years of the Soviet power existence, the sources of new law were a heterogeneous set of legal forms. In this mass of sources of law, the most numerous is the normative legal act, however, the mass nature of this source does not mean, as it was before, its dominance in the hierarchy of sources. It was determined that the formation of Soviet law implies the use of previously known sources of law, such as a normative legal act, a legal custom and a normative contract, but their qualitative characteristics have changed significantly. Thus, the normative legal acts of the new government are poorly ranked in terms of legal force, they are characterized by separatism, fragmentation, plurality, inconsistency and a low level of legal technique. It is noted that the new government has actually abandoned the principle of the rule of law. It was determined that the Constitution of 1918 was considered by the legislator as temporary, it was part of the Basic Law, and its text was finally approved not by the 5th Congress of Soviets, but by the Executive Committee. In addition, Soviet law is built on expanding the influence of party decisions up to turning party acts into sources of Soviet law.

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Minnickes, I. V. (2022). Problems of the Formation of Soviet Law: Features of Sources Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №4 (48), 58. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2022.48.4.05
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