Home Releases 2022, №4 (48)

Hardware and Software Automatism of Legal Regulation: the Concept of Understanding

State and Law: Theoretical and Historical Aspects , UDC: 34.023 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2022.48.4.01


  • Vasiliev Pavel Vyacheslavovich Candidate of Law


The purpose of the study is to solve the problem of the lack of a theoretical and legal concept of hardware and software automatism of legal regulation. The study resulted in obtaining empirical confirmation of the hypothesis that the hardware and software automatism of legal regulation is the ability of a mechanism of legal regulation functioning on a hardware-software basis to ensure the onset of final legal consequences for a person, avoiding intermediate ones or quasi-consequences through automated actions to fix legally significant circumstances and make decisions in accordance with legal regulations by a software algorithm. Hardware automatism is a property of automatic machine functioning or a technical device that can perform the actions of a program embedded in it without the direct participation of a person. Legal automatism is a property of legal regulation mechanism as a whole or a property of a specific legal means that ensures the emergence of legal relations of the final legal status components for a participant without prior intermediate, that is, a phased change in the latter. Legal automatism implies a one-time, spasmodic transition of the legal status of a person immediately to the final, that is, to the correlation stage of legal regulation. If the mechanism of legal regulation functions without automatism, in the legal status of the addressee one can observe a system of preliminary changes at the transformational stage of the corresponding legal regulation. The form of connection of legal and hardware automatism is the way of the emergence and existence of a legal connection between hardware and software systems components and the component composition of the legal statuses of participants in legal relations provided by law.

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Vasiliev, P. V. (2022). Hardware and Software Automatism of Legal Regulation: the Concept of Understanding Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №4 (48), 7. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2022.48.4.01
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