Home Releases 2022, №3 (47)

The Need for Legal Regulation of the Use of Neurocognitive and Psychophysiological Technologies in Practice

Public Law , UDC: 612.821; 316.422 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2022.47.3.08


  • Kovalchuk Mikhail Valentinovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  • Yatsishina Ekaterina Borisovna Doctor of Philosophy
  • Demin Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • Kholodny Yuri Ivanovich Doctor of Law, Candidate of Psychological Sciences


This article reflects the results of the study, as a result of which the dialectical path of the convergence of sciences is shown, which led to the emergence of science-driven technologies for experimental studies of the human brain and psyche and the emergence of a body of scientific knowledge, united under the common name neuroscience; the place of the branch of neurolaw in the system of neurosciences is presented; a brief review of some areas of neurolaw (in particular, neurocriminalistics and neurocriminology) is given. The evolution of the methods used in experimental psychophysiology in the 20th – 21st centuries is briefly shown (from the methods of recording physiological reactions to the methods of neuroimaging). The history, development difficulties and the current state of the polygraph research method in Russia, which was the forerunner of neuroimaging methods and widely used in domestic law enforcement practice are briefly reviewed. The significance of the study lies in posing the question of the need for strict legal regulation of the use of research using polygraph and neuroimaging methods in public practice.

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Kovalchuk, M. V., Yatsishina, E. B., Demin, V. A. & Kholodny, Y. I. (2022). The Need for Legal Regulation of the Use of Neurocognitive and Psychophysiological Technologies in Practice Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №3 (47), 85. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2022.47.3.08
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