Home Releases 2022, №3 (47)

Free Legal Aid: the System Needs Improving (on the Example of Criminal Proceedings)

Public Law , UDC: 340 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2022.47.3.07


  • Turanin Vladislav Yurievich Doctor of Law, Professor
  • Pogorelov Dmitry Viktorovich Candidate of Law
  • Polskaya Valeriya Andreevna


The authors analyze the institution of free legal aid (on the example of criminal proceedings). It is noted that public relations regarding the organization of free legal assistance in criminal cases and, in particular, the remuneration of lawyers involved “by appointment” have developed and proceed in conditions of legal uncertainty, therefore, at present, there is a need to update and improve their legal regulation. It is concluded that for such relations, the most adequate is the use of the construction of a public law contract in the form of a kind of “basic agreement” between the bar and the state, which would establish the general principles for the provision of free legal assistance in criminal cases, goals and policies in this area, economic relations of the parties. The execution of this agreement would make it possible to fix the guarantees of the state to the bar, to clearly define the permitted boundaries of state intervention in the practice of law, and in terms of free legal assistance in criminal cases, to finally give the relevant relations a coordinating character, excluding all kinds of vertical and subordinate elements.

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Turanin, V. Y., Pogorelov, D. V. & Polskaya, V. A. (2022). Free Legal Aid: the System Needs Improving (on the Example of Criminal Proceedings) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №3 (47), 70. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2022.47.3.07
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