Home Releases 2022, №2 (46)


State and Law: Theoretical and Historical Aspects , UDC: 344.22 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2022.46.2.01


  • Grakhotskiy Alexander Pavlovich Candidate of Law, Associate Professor


The article discusses the attempt of law enforcement agencies of Germany to investigate the crimes committed by the Nazis in 1942 in the Belarusian villages of Obchuga and Ukhvala, Krupsky district, Minsk region. Franz Wirth, a former member of Einsatzkommando 8, was detained in 1964 in connection with the organization of the execution of the Jewish population of these villages. Using the case of F.Wirth as an example, the author set a goal, using the historical method, to reveal the specifics of West German trials against criminals who committed their atrocities in the territory of the USSR. Based on the conceptual approaches of German scientists, designed to minimize punishment for Nazi criminals, a jury in Hannover sentenced the former punisher to 2 years in prison. The conclusions of the court on the criminal acts of F. Wirth demonstrated disregard for the memory of the victims of the Holocaust, indicated that the German justice authorities were not interested in restoring justice and punishing Nazi criminals.

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Grakhotskiy, A. P. (2020). MYSTERIES OF THE HANNOVER TRIAL: DEFENDANT FRANZ WIRTH AND THE EXECUTION OF JEWS IN KRUPOK DISTRICT Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (46), 7. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2022.46.2.01
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