Home Releases 2022, №1 (45)


Public Law , UDC: 341.162 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2022.45.1.07


  • Popova Anna Vladislavovna Doctor of Legal sciences, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor


The article concerns the experience of modern supranational organizations, located on digital information resources and existing in certain regional practices in monitoring the use of artificial intelligence and its technologies in various areas of social life in order to create not only the norms of “soft law”, but also special legislation in the field of artificial intelligence. We have carried out a comparative analysis of various legal documents adopted by the European Union on the basis of generalizations and recommendations of such regional organizations, which at the present stage of the spread of AI, for the most part, have the character of “soft law”. The author concludes that in order to implement strategic documents on the development of the digital economy and artificial intelligence in Russia, it is necessary and timely to create a similar organization under the Government of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that its creation will contribute, among other things, to the creation of special legislation in the field of AI, to conclusion of bilateral and multilateral agreements in the relevant areas of international and regional cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states in the field of creation and use of AI technologies; to the exchange of up-to-date information in the field of AI with foreign partners in the field of AI to achieve Russia’s global competitiveness in the international arena; to the development of a domestic information resource for collecting data about the impact of AI on various spheres of life of an individual, society and the state in order to make appropriate management decisions, strategic planning aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of Russian society.

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Popova, A. V. (2022). SUPRANATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS FOR MONITORING LEGISLATION AND PRACTICAL USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №1 (45), 73. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2022.45.1.07
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