Home Releases 2022, №1 (45)


Human Rights: the Theory and Practice of Implementation , UDC: 342.7 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2022.45.1.03


  • Kurakina Julia Vladimirovna Candidate of Law, PhD in Law, Associate Professor Department of International Law and Human Rights, Law institute MCU (Kurakina_jv@mail.ru).


The purpose of the research was to identify the category that most fully characterizes the rights of the child. The research is based on the general scientific dialectical method of cognition. General scientific and private scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, as well as the comparative legal method made it possible to consider the rights of the child from the point of view of certain philosophical and legal categories. All the presented features allow us to see the multidimensional nature of the phenomenon under study. The point of view that the category of “opportunity” most accurately conveys the essence of the concept of “rights of the child” is expressed. All other categories such as “need”, “legal structure”, “authority”, as the most frequently encountered in the definition of the concept of “rights of the child”, go beyond legal regulation, or reflect only part of the phenomenon and relate to the description of the children’s subjective rights. The significance of the research lies in the development of an approach to the definition of the concept of “rights of the child”, which most fully reflects its main characteristics.

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Kurakina, J. V. (2022). RIGHTS OF THE CHILD: REFARDING THE DEFINITION OF THE CONCEPT Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №1 (45), 23. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2022.45.1.03
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