Home Releases 2021, №3 (43)

The Main Directions and Features of the Development of Legislation in the Context of Digitalization and the Transition to a New Technological Order

State and Law: Theoretical and Historical Aspects , UDC: 340.112 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2021.43.3.03


  • Pashentsev Dmitriy Alekseevich Doctor of Law, Professor


The article considers the features of the development of legislation determined by digi­talization using the provisions of the theory of technological structures. The characteristics of the lawmaking models are given, such as catch-up and advance, pyramidal and segmental, their correlation in modern Russia is revealed. The perspective directions of lawmaking in the context of the transition to a new technological structure are shown. It is concluded that the needs of regulating relations directly related to economic activity largely determine the main directions of the development of legislation.

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Pashentsev, D. A. (2021). The Main Directions and Features of the Development of Legislation in the Context of Digitalization and the Transition to a New Technological Order Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №3 (43), 31-39. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2021.43.3.03
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