Home Releases 2017, №2 (26)

The Discourse on Terrorism in the Modern World: an Analysis from the Point of View of the Securitization Theory

Public Law


  • Efremova Olga Valentinovna Senior lecturer of the department of civil law disciplines, Orel Branch, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). E-mail: eov2209@mail.ru
  • Timofeev Stanislav Vladimirovich Doctor in law, professor, head of the department of financial law, law faculty, Institute of Economics, management and law, Russian state humanitarian university. E-mail: (timofeev@rggu.ru).

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Efremova, O. V. & Timofeev, S. V. (2017). The Discourse on Terrorism in the Modern World: an Analysis from the Point of View of the Securitization Theory Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №2 (26),
1. Literatura
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