Home Releases № 3 (55)


Tribune of Young Scientists , UDC: 342.6


  • Kushko Maria Andreevna


The article provides an analysis of the reasons for the change in the status of executive authorities: their creation and liquidation, reassignment, as well as factors contributing to the regrouping of their powers. Two types of classification of such factors are considered, each of which is illustrated by examples. The tendency of the formation of a body to achieve certain tasks has been revealed, especially characteristic of foreign countries. From 1940 to the 1990s, the main trends in the transformation of the system of executive authorities were analyzed. The decisions taken by the legislator for the restructuring of the system, in particular for the liquidation of bodies, are named. It is concluded that the systems of executive authorities change either spontaneously, in a revolutionary way, as a rule under the influence of external or internal circumstances in the state, or such reasons are not indicated by the legislator as accurately as it would allow to identify some pattern in their formation.

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Kushko, M. A. (2024). FACTORS OF CHANGE IN COMPETENCE OF FEDERAL EXECUTIVE BODIES IN HISTORICAL RETROSPECTIVE AND IN MODERN CONDITIONS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (55),
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