Home Releases № 3 (55)


Public Law , UDC: 340.142, 342.97


  • Vasilyev Ilya Alexandrovich Candidate of Law, Associate Professor


Legal coercion in sports law is traditionally associated with sports, sometimes called disciplinary liability. This judgment is true, but it reflects only the most obvious and popular part of the coercion toolkit for sports organizations. Today, the regulatory norms of sports federations and the law enforcement practice of sports justice allow us to confidently state the use of other measures that are not reducible to sanctions. One example is the so — called administrative measures, which are aimed at exercising control over sports subjects at a certain point in the life cycle of the organization and holding of a competition or the functioning of a sports organization. Another example is preventive and remedial measures that do not differ in regulatory certainty in the regulations of sports federations, hiding under the guise of sports sanctions. The present study is aimed at carrying out for the first time a classification of coercive measures used in modern sports law. The main criterion is the purpose of the measure as its use to achieve the necessary effect in the legal impact on sports subjects.

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Vasilyev, I. A. (2024). CLASSIFICATION OF COERCIVE MEASURES IN SPORTS LAW Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (55),
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