- Gazgeriev Nazhmudi Shamsudievich
The article is devoted to the urgent problem of the formation and development of digital rights as an object of civil law in the context of the dynamic development of the digitalization process. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the legal regulation of digital rights as an object of civil law in modern Russia. The article
analyzes the norms of the current civil law of Russia aimed at regulating digital rights. On this basis, the presence of problematic issues and contradictions in this area was revealed, and it was proposed to continue improving the legislation on digital rights, taking into account the opinion of representatives of the scientific and business community. It is concluded that new legal solutions should be based on consensus on the question of whether digital rights are an independent object of civil rights or whether we are talking about the protection of traditional rights in a digital environment.
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Gazgeriev, N. S. (2024). PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF LEGAL REGULATION OF DIGITAL RIGHTS IN RUSSIAN CIVIL LAW Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (54), 78.
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