Home Releases 2021, №3 (43)

Principles of the Administrative Machinery Formation in Germany (Experience for Russia) to the 300th Anniversary of Russian Sovereignty

State and Law: Theoretical and Historical Aspects , UDC: 340 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9113.2021.43.3.01


  • Baev Valery Grigorievich Doctor of Law, Candidate of History, Professor


Based on the principle of synchronization, the article examines the points of interaction of the states Russia and Prussia at the stages of their rise, the rise of Russia into an empire-and the rise of Prussia into a kingdom. The attention is focused on the analysis of the pur­pose, preparation and implementation of the Great Embassy of Peter in 1697-1698 to Euro­pe. In addition to technical and industrial experience of the West, the Russian tsar was interested in the ideas of the so-called regular state promoted by the German philosophers Leibniz and Puffendorf. Peter hoped to build his empire on their foundation.

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Baev, V. G. (2021). Principles of the Administrative Machinery Formation in Germany (Experience for Russia) to the 300th Anniversary of Russian Sovereignty Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №3 (43), 8-16. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9113.2021.43.3.01
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